
Schizophrenia ASD ADHD

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Schizophrenia ASD ADHD

All Mental Health Issues

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The Bioefficacy Test Certificates :

Parkinson's, Alzheimer's & all Neuro Cerebral Issues treatment & cure via Gut using Gba Drops :

Take 2 Gba Drops in Half Glass of Water before Sleeping at Night Daily in all the following cases. Continue using this 2 Gba Drops regimen lifelong for a Healthy Living Always :

Do Not give any allopathic or chemical based modern medicine for Alzheimer’s to any one ever. This shall make the problem worse. Just follow the 2 Gba regimen stated above and make sure the person is given a half teaspoon full of butter extra with meals per day atleast thrice a week.

Do Not give any allopathic or chemical based modern medicine for Parkinson’s to any one ever. This shall make the problem worse. Just follow the 2 Gba regimen stated above and make sure the person is given a half teaspoon full of butter extra with meals per day atleast thrice a week. This shall contain the problem in its initial stage. If the problem is escalated and the person is on chemical medicines then using the 2 Gba regimen will help stall the increase of chemical medicines. If the problem is in middle to severe stage click the “Schizophrenia” link on the pooppeepers.com home page and follow all instructions given while considering the Parkinson Drugs being taken as “Psychiatric Drugs”.
